Construction Surveying
Solutions for Construction Surveying
Precise . Efficient . Professional
Software and surveying solutions with flexible measurement methods, reliable calculations,
and professional graphics.
New standards for efficient stakeout and precise controls
Axis3D construction surveying solutions include field and office software for staking out and checking tunnels and civil engineering work.
Efficient Workflows
Precise Calculations
Professional Results

Axis3D construction surveying solutions model and facilitate workflows in tunneling and civil engineering work, allowing users to complete
projects with utmost efficiency. Constantly changing requirements on construction sites are managed easily with Axis3D solutions - the flexible data structure and intuitive user interface allow for fast and relevant reactions.

Axis3D software products are developed in close cooperation with users, and have been used on demanding projects worldwide since 2001. They are continually refined and
improved to fulfill the latest standards and to include current developments.

View detailed numerical records and professional graphics of control results. Visualizations can be adapted easily to project requirements and are generated quickly at the push of a button.
DIBIT Measuring Technique
Kiewit Corporation (USA)
Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group
Landesamt Vermessung Bayern
Trigonos Civil Engineers
Stolitzka & Partner Civil Engineers
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG